NHSAA | Legislation & Statewide Meetings

Legislative Advocacy. One of the primary member services the NHSAA provides is Legislative AdvocacyWith 400 members, New Hampshire’s House of Representatives is the third-largest legislative body in the English-speaking world after only the United State's House and the United Kingdom's House of Commons. Legislation in New Hampshire is very active and unique. It's not atypical to have upwards of 1,400 proposed Legislative Service Requests (LSRs) in a legislative session. Tracking these LSRs - via titles, sponsors, language, committees, hearings, votes, crossover, more hearings, and full floor action is a huge undertaking. The NHSAA has personnel dedicated to legislative tracking, reporting, and advocacy. Additionally, the Association works collaboratively and strategically with other entities supporting public education. The NHSAA Legislative Committee is comprised of volunteer members from each of the 5 NHSAA regions. Legislative Meetings are open to all NHSAA members.


Each year, the NHSAA will regularly publish bills (aka LSRs) that the Association is tracking. These bills are often organized by category and / or priority. NHSAA member updates will often include links to House and Senate calendars as well as reports that indicate the bills that NHSAA and other organizations are tracking.


Statewide Meetings. Throughout the year, the NHSAA invites all members to NHSAA Statewide Meetings. These meetings are agenda-driven, to include updates from the NHED, timely and responsive presentations regarding opportunities for New Hampshire school districts, updates from NHSAA committees, awards and recognitions, roundtable discussions, as well as other structured (and unstructured) networking time for system-leaders from around the state. The active engagement of NHSAA members is integral to the ongoing success of public education in New Hampshire!


2023 - 2024 - NHSAA Statewide and Executive Board Meetings - click here.